specialised weighbridge manufacturer
Advanced technology and software in industrial and retail weighing systems.

what we do
Road Vehicle Weighbridges
Off-Road Vehicle Weighbridges
Axle Weighbridges
Weighing Software Design
Rail Weighbridges
Container Weighbridges
Heavy Duty Platform Scales
Weighing Instrumentation
Supply of weights
Retail Scales
Calibration of scales
Calibration of weights
Scale Integration
with PLC’s
Peripheral Equipment
and more
Food Preservation
Vacuum Machines
Tray Sealers
Price Printing Scales
Entry Level to High End Devices
Basic Blank Labels to Custom Designed
Our New Range - Food Processing
Strip Cutters
Meat and Bone Saw
Patty Formers
Sausage Fillers
and more..

About Klerkscale
Klerkscale was founded in 1958 to meet the high demand in weighing machines. We manufacture locally in order to serve Industry and Commerce throughout South Africa and its neighbouring countries.
Our factory, built in 1977, incorporates an electronic division and mobile facilities together with service outlets, to ensure that the highest quality in our products, sales, distribution and service to customers be maintained.
Today, Klerkscale continues this tradition which has made us one of the leaders in the industrial weighing systems industry.
Our Services & Products
Automation of Weighbridges
In addition to advanced weighing systems, Klerkscale offers supporting technologies which ensure total control in any environment. Such technologies include: Licence plate recognition technology, Passive transponders system, CCTV camera systems, Boom barriers – Semi/fully automated, Container Weighbridges, High bright LED traffic robots.

Software Design
In-house software design allows for data processing programs to meet exact customer requirements. Having a control system specifically suited to a unique operating environment, allows for easy interfacing, simplified data capturing and ultimately an effective control system.
Service and Maintenance
Factory trained service technicians provide fast response to your service needs, whether installation, maintenance or repair. Our technicians operate throughout South Africa and many other African States. We will also provide you with a complete maintenance programme of necessary inspections and preventative maintenance at fixed annual rates.
Conversions and Upgrades
Klerkscale’s modern technology includes the ability to upgrade and convert outdated mechanical scales to more efficient and cost saving electronic systems.
Weighbridge Foundations
In addition to performing all standard weighbridge and scale installations, Klerkscale also offers a turn-key package, including excavation and construction of the weighbridge foundations.
Need a unique solution?
As a private versatile company, weighing systems can be tailor-made to suit customer requirements.

Over the past 50 years, Klerkscale has extended its reach, with over 1200 heavy industrial installations spread throughout Africa. Since the companies inception, Klerkscale has diversified its customer base to include a variety of different industries, each with their own unique requirements. Klerkscale has done installations in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Burkino Fasso, Mauritainia and Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)

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